Cynthia Roberts, Senior Evaluator

Cynthia Roberts is the Senior Evaluator for all programs across the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV), with a primary focus leading evaluation planning and implementation for the RICADV’s federally- and locally-funded primary prevention strategies, particularly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded DELTA Impact project. Additionally, Cynthia provides empowerment evaluation support to the Newport Health Equity Zone and technical assistance to local, state, and national partnering organizations. Prior to joining the RICADV in 2014, she was evaluator for the RI Department of Health’s Statewide Tobacco Control Program. First trained in 1997 with the Program Evaluation and Research Group (PERG) at Lesley College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Cynthia’s evolution as an evaluator has been shaped by organizational and community-based colleagues, formal and personal experiences designing and implementing educational environments, leading community organizing where she lives, and via her love and appreciation of nature and ongoing spiritual practices. She cherishes the quality time she spends with her husband, Jon, and son, Kai, and aspires to embody spaciousness and whole personhood in her approaches to her collaborations and ways of being. Cynthia earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of New Hampshire, a Master of Arts in Intercultural Relations from Lesley College, and a PhD in Behavioral Science from the University of Rhode Island. Cynthia counts her life experiences as a Peace Corps Volunteer, student at Goddard College, and member of the RICADV staff and Unitarian Universalist Association to be among the most critical shapers of her ever-evolving anti-oppression/social justice-focused worldview.

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