Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month​

2025 TDVAM Art Contest!!

Roses are red, but red flags are too...

What does a healthy relationship mean to you?

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM), and the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence has just launched our public awareness campaign for 2025.

We’re running an art contest! 

This month, we’re asking local Rhode Island teens how they view healthy love and relationships. We’re calling for submissions of visual art (i.e., graphics, drawings, photos, etc.) and written pieces.

Help us answer the question: How do you view healthy behaviors in relationships versus unhealthy behaviors (i.e., red flags) in relationships?


Prizes will include a First, Second, and Third Place for both the “Visual” and “Written” categories. For each category:

  1. First Place: $200 (Teen’s entry printed and distributed to schools, and shared to RICADV social media statewide)
  2. Second Place: $100 (Shared on social media)
  3. Third Place: $75 (Shared on social media)

Please submit the entry by email to [email protected] (scan, photo, or jpeg for visuals; Word or Google doc for written) and include the teen’s NAME, AGE, and SCHOOL. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Brianna Henries, RICADV Digital Media & Design Coordinator, at [email protected].

Contest Rules

Who can enter: Must be a RI resident, aged 13-18 years old or otherwise a high school student.

Contest Run Dates: Thursday, January 23rd – Friday, February 18th, 2025. Submissions will close at midnight.

Prompt: Create an Instagram-ready original print visual (i.e. a graphic, drawing, photo, etc) or written piece (i.e., short essay, poetry, etc., 500 words max) about healthy relationships as part of the RICADV’s Roses Are Red campaign:

Roses are red, red flags are too, what does a healthy relationship mean to you?

Additional Rules for Entry

  1. Submissions including nudity, explicit or violent content, insults, or anything otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence will immediately be disqualified and will not be released in any way. We reserve the right to disqualify any submission.
  2. By submitting an entry to the contest, you give permission to the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence to repost your submission on our website, social media accounts, printed materials, and any other digital or printed format, in perpetuity into the future.
  3. The RICADV will be adding our own header/footer/branding/language and additional resources for teens to all submissions before publication.
  4. Teens may sign their entries, but we will be placing our own logo on posters so teens can find resources.
  5. After the contest deadline, all six prize-winners will be selected by staff from the RICADV and our member agencies. Judging decisions are final.
  6. The winners will be notified on Tuesday, February 25th 2025 via email, and will be given 24 hours to respond before their award is passed to the next qualifying entry. 
  7. The winners will be publicly announced by the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence and announced in a variety of digital and/or printed channels. 
  8. The RICADV will be hosting a gallery night with the winners on March 6th, 2025. If you plan to submit an entry to the competition, you must be available to attend that evening.

2024 TDVAM Art Contest Winners!!

First Place: Mateo M

Second Place: Derin M

Third Place: Ava F

Are you a teen who needs help?

Local Help​

The RI Helpline: 800-494-8100 offers 24-Hour Support! It’s confidential, and every question is a good question.

The RICADV’s member agencies are organizations in Rhode Island that provide confidential emergency and support services to victims of dating violence. 

National Help​

Visit loveisrespect.org for info and resources or to chat with a peer advocate online. You can also call 1-866-331-9474 or text “loveis” to 22522.

The 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 is another great resource, which provides support and hope to victims of dating violence and their friends and family members. Learn more at www.thehotline.org. Live chat is available.

National Dating Violence resources.

Helpline Available 24/7

The confidential statewide Helpline can be reached by calling 1-800-494-8100 or using the online chat here. The Helpline is for all victims of violent crime, including domestic and dating abuse, and those looking for more information to help a victim of violence.

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