October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Our Future Depends on Preventing Domestic Violence
Learn what domestic violence looks like and how you can help.

Survivors are ONE OF US.

Domestic abuse happens in every city and town in our state. Victims and survivors are our friends and family members, our neighbors, and our coworkers.

Check out our 2024 campaign here

Our Mission

Our mission is to support and enhance the work of our member agencies and to provide leadership on the issue of domestic violence.


Fosters communication, resource sharing, networking and collaboration


Raises awareness, responds to community needs, and educates the public about domestic violence


Promotes community organizing around the prevention of domestic violence


Advocates locally and nationally to impact social and systemic change on the issue of domestic violence


Partners with survivors to strengthen and empower the voices of abused women


Accesses resources to maximize community impact

Visit the RI Data Dashboard on Domestic Violence for more data!
individual victims of domestic violence received help in 2021 alone
helpline calls were answered in 2021
1 K+
individual services were provided by advocates in 2021

Our Vision

We envision a society where domestic violence is not tolerated because communities are enlightened and responsive to the needs of victims and their children. We pledge to achieve this vision by:

Providing services that are consistent in their high quality and distinctive in their victim-focused approach

Providing effective education to every woman, child, and man in our communities

Providing leadership in the field of domestic violence

How We Do Our Work

Aspiring to be an anti-oppression organization is not a separate part of our work, but the lens that informs how we do our work. It is at the heart of moving our mission forward.

The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) affirms that all people have the right to live their lives free from fear and violence. To this end, we are working to disrupt the systems of oppression that unjustly impact people of color, Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and other historically oppressed communities.

Systems of oppression not only create barriers to services, safety, and justice – they are the root causes of violence and inequity. The RICADV aspires to be an anti-oppression organization, committed to dismantling white supremacy and oppression in all its forms, including racism, sexism, classism, anti-Semitism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.

From our legislative advocacy, where we focus not only on domestic violence legislation but on policies that improve quality of life for everyone, to our primary prevention strategies that center on those disproportionately impacted by violence and oppression – we are committed to centering the voices of survivors and catalyzing change that leads to more just, inclusive, and healthy communities for all people.

Our Member Agencies

The RICADV’s network of member agencies provides comprehensive emergency and support services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking.

Supporting victims and survivors to have their stories heard

"Staying silent in the face of behaviors that normalize violence against women damages so much. We need to speak out—around our children, in our churches, in our workplaces. Let’s heal ourselves and our communities."
SOAR Member

By modeling respectful relationships and being a voice for equality, men can help change the culture that allows domestic abuse and other forms of violence.

Ten Men is made up of local men from diverse walks of life who share a common vision—a world without domestic violence.

Did You Know?
In Just One Day

Victims made 61 requests for services—including emergency shelter, housing, transportation, childcare, legal representation, and other support needs—that programs could not provide because they lacked the resources. Approximately 93% of these unmet requests were for housing and emergency shelter.

Annual Reports


Helpline Available 24/7

The confidential statewide Helpline can be reached by calling 1-800-494-8100 or using the online chat here. The Helpline is for all victims of violent crime, including domestic and dating abuse, and those looking for more information to help a victim of violence.

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